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Application Profile


Mobile Hydraulics


Tow-Behind Air Seeder Planters


Flodraulic’s North American Hydraulics (NAHI) group has a customer who manufactures large capacity air seeder planters.

The customer was faced with an on-going issue of crop damage, soil compaction and hours of productivity lost due to equipment bogging in wet muddy soil.

Through industry “word-of-mouth”, the customer learned of NAHI’s new concept “On-Demand Drive System”. ODDS applies Black Bruin radial piston motors with specially designed manifolds which incorporate built-in sensors providing feedback logic. System power is provided by the tractor’s auxiliary hydraulics. The Black Bruin motor is a hub motor by design with a rotating case. Our large taper roller bearings manage the massive load capacity of 157,000 lbs. laden required by this machine. The Black Bruin provides ample power with sufficient tractive effort to the wheels eliminating many hardships during the planting season. No active hydraulic pressure is required to keep the Black Bruin in freewheel mode, the only motor available with this capability.

Time is critical during the planting season. This customer chose NAHI to help eliminate issues of lost productivity through its innovative design capabilities.


Experts in fluid power, electrical and mechanical technologies.
