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Flodraulic is a market leader in mobile and industrial fluid power and process technologies.  A key consideration when designing a fluid power system is the avoidance of excessive heat build-up.

Any time fluid flows from a high pressure to a lower pressure, without producing mechanical work output, heat is generated.  Similarly, in process industries, when bulk raw materials are converted or refined into other products, one of the key by-products is heat generation.  In either situation, excessive heat is not a good thing and it must be controlled.  Flodraulic has the products and technology know-how to not only address heat build-up in a fluid power system it has the expertise to help avoid it altogether through up-front smart design practices.  In simple terms, the solution is to increase the heat dissipation capability of a system or decrease the overall heat load at the sources.  Defining and identifying those options is where Flodraulic brings expertise to the table.

Heat exchanger options are many and Flodraulic, through its partners, has access to all the market has to offer.  While greatly simplified, primary heat transfer technology solutions are built around the following core product groups:

  • Air-Cooled
  • Shell and Tube
  • Plate

There are endless options when it comes to styles, configurations, sizes and materials, but these are the core technologies.  When properly sized and selected as part of the initial design phase, these products become integral components of the mobile or industrial equipment for which they are selected.  The cooling system may run full-time as part of the machinery process or be designed to run intermittently on an as needed basis.  Heat loads, duty cycles, fluid types, ambient operating environments and available natural cooling all factor into the heat transfer design process.  Along with heat exchanger component selection, Flodraulic provides accessory items such as thermal probes, water control valves, sensors and by-pass valves necessary to operate a heat transfer system.  The photos below offer a view (from left-to-right) of shell and tube, air cooled and plate heat exchangers designed and built into different Flodraulic systems.

Flodraulic offers a wide array of heat transfer solutions for most major industries, key among them would include:

  • Fluid power
  • Mobile equipment
  • Industrial markets
  • Oil and gas
  • Power generation
  • Process industries
  • Engine cooling
  • Marine
  • Compressors
  • Food and beverage

To learn more about heat transfer technologies, please feel free to visit the Flodraulic website “Tech Tips” section where you will find a brief paper entitled Heat And Its Impact On Hydraulic Systems. It addresses some of the basic causes of heat generation, impact on the system and recommendations for reducing heat build-up.


Flodraulic USA is a proud supplier of the following companies:
